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Improving Coinbases Security Measures: Evertas Ryan Lackey Makes Key Feature Requests to CEO Brian Armstrong

 Improving Coinbases Security Measures: Evertas Ryan Lackey Makes Key Feature Requests to CEO Brian Armstrong

Ryan Lackey, the Chief Security Officer at Evertas, recently made a series of feature requests to Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong. Lackey, a respected figure in the cryptocurrency security community, took to Twitter to share his ideas for how Coinbase could improve their security measures.

Improving Coinbases Security Measures

In his tweets, Lackey highlighted several areas where Coinbase could make significant improvements to their security protocols. One of the key areas he identified was multi-signature wallet support.

 Lackey suggested that Coinbase should add support for multi-signature wallets, which require multiple parties to sign off on a transaction before it can be executed. 

This would add an additional layer of security to Coinbase's platform, making it much more difficult for hackers to steal funds from users.

Lackey also suggested that Coinbase should implement a decentralized identity system, such as the one proposed by the Decentralized Identity Foundation. 

This would allow users to control their own identity and access to their funds, rather than relying on a centralized authority like Coinbase. This would reduce the risk of hacks and breaches, as there would be no central point of failure for hackers to target.

Another area where Lackey saw room for improvement was in the area of security audits. 

He suggested that Coinbase should undergo regular security audits by independent third-party firms to ensure that their security measures are up to par. 

This would provide an additional layer of accountability and transparency for users, and would help to ensure that Coinbase is doing everything possible to protect user funds.

Finally, Lackey suggested that Coinbase should make it easier for users to secure their accounts by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) and other security measures. He noted that many users are not aware of the importance of these measures, and may not take the time to set them up properly. 

By making it easier for users to secure their accounts, Coinbase could significantly reduce the risk of hacks and breaches.

Overall, Lackey's suggestions represent an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about cryptocurrency security. 

As more and more people begin to use cryptocurrencies, it is vital that platforms like Coinbase take steps to ensure that their users' funds are secure.

 By implementing the suggestions put forth by Lackey, Coinbase could significantly improve its security measures, making it a more attractive platform for users and investors alike.

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